Bernard Herrmann
Doris Day

Stars Profiles

We are a fansite where we publish the profiles of our favourite stars including singers, actors and entertainment personalities. We really hope you will find what we write interesting.

Please to visit the site often to check out if we added some new content.


If you are a big fan of entertainment as we are, you will definitely like what we are doing here. Maybe even you will find some new stars you've never heard about and start following their work.

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Entertainment Profiles

We would like to create one of the biggest databases of as many artists and entertainment personalities as we can count. If you like what we're doing here please add the site to favorites and visit our regularly. If you are a big fan of pop culture you will have a good time reading our articles. We are pretty sure you will find something for you.

Please send us an e-mail if you want to see an artist that's not yet in the database.